Tuesday 19 July 2011


hmmm...mlm2 cmnimood cm nk taip jep..sok ari rbu...20hb.7 dier nk g jaoh da...tggl aq sowg2 kt cni...da xd kwn nk glak2..tpok tmpor...g lpak2...karoke...msg2 da wt plhan tok mse dpn.so better dier g ngan khndak dier..xkn nk pkse2 lg..msg2 da bsor..da mtang..pndai ur pk ane bek n brok ble da jaoh t..

t da jaoh asyk gdow je..cyer la..mcm2 dgaan tuhn tu nk bg...yg xley than ley tptos..hmmm....xd pe ur..cme da jaoh t jge la dri bek2..2 tmpt owg...bkn tmpt kter..jgn tpu sy ni k..sy cyg awk tw...bkn skjp kter da knl tp lmer...if awk nk brubh pown wt2 ur ngat sy ni lg..pape pon sy ttp kt sisi awk..jge dri...cdey sgt...

Friday 11 March 2011

npew ko ni xphm aq ha!!!

pnt kn lau idop kne hpokrit?? ntah la..ni blog aq so..aq nk cter ur..pdulik pe aq lau owg nk kter aq ni jiwg ke syok sndri ke..(AAK)..hahahaa..
hmm..cdey nk cter..tp tuh ur owg kter idop..mcm2 dgaan tuhn bg..kdg2 hppy..kdg2 cdey..lumrah idop..
hmm..sush kn nk bhgie kn owg yg kter syg..hmm..even mcm2 cre skalipon lau ati tuh kosg xgne gak..ntah la..spnjg aq ni 'bercouple' ngan ko stu yg wt aq trse..
nper eak ko mlu ngaku aq ni gf ko?? 9 taon kot kter da knl..hne ke aq ni tok ko bgtw kt member2 ko aq ni gf ko??plek kn..ari2 jaln sme2,pgang2 tgn cm owg buter tp aggp kwn..hmm?? cm xd mruah eak..tp tuh la yg aq almi skunk..bkn aq nk mburok kn 'die'..tp ntah..dier tgor aq dier wt cmtuh sbb dier kter aq ni prgai huru-hare..cm xsopn ur..ntah la..be a profsional man..wtpe nk jdk owg hpokrit??tok pe??ad faedah ke lau jdk owg bmuke2 ni??bkn mksod aq tok jdk gdies cm owg pndg liar..but..ntah la..be matured la..msg2 da bsor..lntak owg nk ckp aq ni gdik,gangster ke but aq tw cpe diri aq..member2 aq tw aq cmner..ye..aq seowg yg gnz,hppy 24hourz,hyperactive gylew..tp aq nk idop ngan cre aq,idop aq..aq nmpak cm seowg yg bebs but im not!! totally not!! arggghh..tension2!!!

in rlation..kpcyaan kne ad..if xd tuh kn..cmne nk kekal..ntah la..mleret2 aq ckp lau da dier xpcyer aq cmne..mke aq ni nk tpu dier..bai..mke wa ni cm pompuan xandi la siak..nk tkot pe..xd owg nk..busok lak tuh..tgok la mke aq tol2..
                                                       cumil gak..hahaha..
                                                   tgok version pkai tdong lak..
auw..auw..ag cumil..
hmm..ptot la ko tkot aq kne mek owg.cumil uper nyer..kakaka..xd ur..grau jep..tp aq tw aq mmg cumil..xpyh ckp pon da tw..
aq bkn nk ckp tuh..ntah la..aq blur lak..ilang idea nk taip pe..huhuhu..
da ur..pnt lak taip..tdow la k..da mlm!!! heheheh..assalamaulaikum

Saturday 26 February 2011

ati ku jiwang..

arini gdow lg ngan 'si die' ntah la...xtw la ane slp aq kt 'si die' tuh smpai skrg xon2 hp ag..
hal kcik je..ntah la..nper la 'si die'  xpnh nk phm aq.. pd aq,sume owg pnh wt slp..xkire tggi pgkt tuh..xkre rndah drjat tu..xd cper2 yg lahir kt dunie ni xd slh..adoi..ngah sebak ni..'si die' lyn aq cm aq ni xd pasan eak..nyirap lak aq..ntah a..cdey2 gak..but kne cool lorh..(tpu je tuh..da xley than..cdey..sgt2..) hhuuwwwaaaa...
cdey2 dgor lgu ni feel better lorh.(tman dowh ati aq ni..huhuhu)

When you get caught in the rain
With no where to run
When you're distraught and in pain without anyone
When you keep crying out to be saved

But nobody comes and you feel so far away
That you just can't find your way home
You can get there alone
It's okay, what you say is

I can make it through the rain, I can stand up once again on my own
And I know that I'm strong enough to mend
And every time I feel afraid I hold tighter to my faith
And I live one more day and I make it through the rain

And if you keep falling down, don't you dare give in
You will arise safe and sound, so keep pressing on steadfastly
And you'll find what you need to prevail
What you say is

I can make it through the rain, I can stand up once again on my own
And I know that I'm strong enough to mend
And every time I feel afraid I hold tighter to my faith
And I live one more day and I make it through the rain

And when the rain blows, as shadows grow close
Don't be afraid, there's nothing you can't face
And should they tell you, you'll never pull through
Don't hesitate, stand tall and say

I can make it through the rain, I can stand up once again on my own
And I know that I'm strong enough to mend
And every time I feel afraid I hold tighter to my faith
And I live one more day and I make it through the rain

I can make it through the rain
As I live once again
And I live one more day
I can make it through the rain
Yes you can
You gonna make it through the rain

Friday 25 February 2011

~first layout~

hmmMm...for the first time in life wat BLOG ni...coz sblom niew kire bute IT lOrh..(jujo tW..xd tpu2)..hahahah..ntah lorh..gSe cm Sker gyle coz dpt buktikn kt kengkawan aq yg aq da ad blog ni..sblom ni dok la melanggok(owg joho jep gne)  tgok dierowg tup..tap..tup..tap.. taip2..upenyer..bndu alah ni..now,aq pon da adew..actually,yg aq bgge sgt ad blog ni sbb aq da ley tnjok2 kt dak2 uma n akak2 aq yg aq da ad nie..huhuh..(jakun,nk wt cmner)..

first..aq bkn nk cter pasl ats tuh..tu information tok sume kengkwan2 aq jep..hehehe..aq xbute it ok..lalala..k ur..FYI,,nmew aq RABIATUL SYAFIQAH BINTI ABDUL RAZAK..but nmer dri kcik owg pggil eeka..da bsaq pon pggil eeka gak..but now,ad ur nme cm cumil2 sket..cm..cm...mlu ur..hikhik..(gdik sket) eh..pe eak..pggil bubu jep o nmer kt hometown piqa..(cumil kn,kn,kn)..xusah la nk brdooh..huhuhu..aq owg nyer da besaq da..20taon tok taon ni..(da ley kwen) hmm..aq di lahirkn d segamat dan d bsorkn d segamat gak..(lau xtw,compom geografi fail)..lg pe eak..hmm..owh..aq slh seowg student d INSTEDT..(tw ke?) hmm..aq mek course sport studies..now,almost 2 years da stay kt BANDAR PENAWAR..hmm..da ur..aq gse da xd informtion tntg aq ag tok bgtw..huhuh..nyte..